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Record your journey and share your real-time location

You can now use your GPS enabled mobile phone to automatically record your flight in 3D into your account, use it to create your stories, and share your real-time location with your buddies!
It has some advantages over other similar apps 1) It works in the background, even when you switch off the screen! So you can happily run it in conjunction with your favourite navigation app in the foreground (eg SkyDemon,etc). Alternatively you can just switch your screen off and put the phone in your pocket while flying! 2) It works even without an internet connection. Your path will remain stored on your phone and will sync automatically to the server as soon as phone signal returns.
Download them here
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You can then use the recorded tracks in your flight reports and stories on Moreover you can let your real-time progress appear on the live map making it perfect for coordinating fly-ins with your pilot friends, or for instructors to track their students solo flights šŸ™‚

Keep your flight private

You do not need to let the world know that you are flying. If you do not want to appear on the flight tracker map or not notify anybody, simply select the "hide me from the public flight map" option before starting to track.


IMPORTANT! On android 9+ and IOS 13+, before using the App, in your phone location/privacy settings you must authorise the app to run in the background, otherwise the app will suspend while not in the forefront

Tracking on other devices

For all other devices you can run the app in your browser from the tracker page. This will work on any device, but the page does need to remain in the foreground to keep recording.